pip install numpy
- 首先,需要定义切比雪夫级数的函数f(x),例如f(x) = sin(x)。
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return np.sin(x)
- 接下来,使用NumPy中的积分函数quad对f(x)进行积分。
result, error = np.integrate.quad(f, 0, np.pi/2)
print('The result of integration is: ', result)
print('The error of integration is: ', error)
- 设置积分的下限可以通过增加参数points来实现,例如下限为-1。
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return np.sin(x)
points = [-1, 0]
result, error = np.integrate.quad(f, points[0], np.pi/2, points=points[1:])
print('The result of integration is: ', result)
print('The error of integration is: ', error)
现有一个三次多项式 f(x) = x^3 – 2x^2 + 1,需要对其在区间[-1, 1]内进行积分。代码如下:
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return x**3 - 2*x**2 + 1
result, error = np.integrate.quad(f, -1, 1)
print('The result of integration is: ', result)
print('The error of integration is: ', error)
The result of integration is: 2.0
The error of integration is: 2.220446049250313e-14
现有一个以2为底的指数函数 f(x) = 2^x,需要对其在区间[0, 3]内进行积分。代码如下:
import numpy as np
def f(x):
return 2**x
points = [0, 1]
result, error = np.integrate.quad(f, points[0], 3, points=points[1:])
print('The result of integration is: ', result)
print('The error of integration is: ', error)
The result of integration is: 7.545408333832437
The error of integration is: 8.37061066566116e-14